Monday, August 24, 2009

SC crossed its jurisdiction: VP Jha

Vice President Parmananda Jha has said the Supreme Court acted out of jurisdiction when it ordered him to retake oath of office, in Nepali. He said the court ruling has only created unnecessary controversy. Kantipur F.M quoted VP Jha as saying that the constitutional provisions (Article 26 Jha 2) have it the Vice President's post becomes vacant only in case of death, resignation or after being impeached by the parliament. He further said that Sunday's SC ruling that the VP could not continue in office if he didn't retake oath within seven days was issued out of the court jurisdiction.

Meanwhile, Minister for Law and Justice Prem Bahadur Singh has said the government would implement the Supreme Court order regarding the VP's oath. Speaking at the Reporters Club, Singh also said that by retaking oath, as ordered by the SC, VP Jha could make his position more dignified. "I hope the VP will retake oath." Speaking at the same programme, president of Nepal Bar Association Bishwokanta Mainali said the VP must abide by the court order and take oath in Nepali. He said Nepali people are not compelled to regard Jha as their Vice President if he refuses follow court order.

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