Sunday, July 12, 2009

Parliament begins discussion on govt's policies and programmes; Maoists boycott

Earlier, the House called for 8 am Sunday could not start throughout the day yesterday due to the intra-party feud in MJF. The leaders had a hectic day on Saturday persuading the Yadav-led faction of the MJF to the agreement. The legislature parliament is scheduled to discuss the government's policies and programmes for the next fiscal year in today's meeting.
The time allocated for the discussion has been reduced to 11 hours after the parliament could not meet yesterday. The Unified CPN (Maoist) has boycotted the point-wise discussion on the policies and programmes of the government accusing the present government of being unconstitutional. Speaking at the House soon after it convened Sunday morning senior Maoist leader Dr Babu Ram Bhattarai said policies and programmes of the government had nothing new in it and his party had deemed its participation not necessary as it was a programme brought by an unconstitutional government. Maoist lawmakers walked out of the House as soon as Dr Bhattarai concluded his speech. Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal will answer queries of the lawmakers before the parliament endorses the government policies and programmes. Eight amendment proposals to the policies and programmes have been filed.

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