Saturday, May 1, 2010

UNMIN wants early decision on term extension REPUBLICA

Chief of United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) Karin Landgren has asked Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal to reach an early decision on extension of the UN´s political mission in Nepal.

During a meeting held with the prime minister at his official residence at Baluwatar Saturday morning, UNMIN chief Landgren said it would be easy for her to put the proposal at the upcoming UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting if the government took a decision on time on UNMIN´s term extension.

UNMIN´s term is expiring on May 15.

On the occasion, Prime Minister Nepal told her that he is holding discussions with the political parties to take a decision. He assured her that the government will soon take a decision to extend UNMIN´s stay.

The parties have already agreed in principle to extend the term, but they are found to be at odds whether to extend the term by six months or one year. He also referred to growing differences among the political parties, especially with the main opposition party UCPN (Maoist) announcing fresh strikes to topple the government and replace it with a national consensus government.

According to the prime minister´s press advisor, Bishnu Rijal, Landgren express concern about the ongoing peace process and stressed the need to conclude it at the earliest. She informed the prime minister that she had asked the Maoist leadership to act responsibly while staging protests against the government.

On the occasion, the prime minister said that the government will exercise full restraint and act responsibly in facing all challenges posed by Maoist protests. He informed Landgren that the government had received credible information the Maoists were planning to make their protest activities violent and provocative.

The prime minister also complained that a large number of cantoned Maoist combatants had come out of the cantonments with arms, violating the Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA) reached with the Maoists, and that Maoist protestors were arrested with explosives and arms.

PM meets Assistant SG

Prime Minister Nepal held a meeting with Assistant Secretary-General of the UN Ajay Chibber, Saturday morning.

Visiting Assistant Secretary-General Chibber inquired about the ongoing peace process and stressed the need for restraint on the part of the political parties to help conclude the process.

Chibber said that the peace process in Nepal had reached a critical juncture and expressed confidence that the political parties would be able to take the process to a logical end.

On the occasion, Prime Minister Nepal said that the government has left no stone unturned to take the peace process to a logical end. He stressed the need of cooperation from all political parties concerned to accomplish the task.

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