Thursday, July 2, 2009

Two more cases of Swine-flu detected

he global pandemic Swine Flu Influenza A (H1N1) has been detected in two more persons Thursday raising the flu-toll to five. According to information given by Laxmi Bam of National Center for Health Education and Information, the flu has been detected in two children – one 17 months and the other five years old. They had flown to Kathmandu via Doha on June 21.According to Bam, the 17-month infant had come to Nepal on the same flight with those three people on whom the flu was detected earlier. The five-year old child is relative of that family.Earlier the doctors had said one of the infected persons has already come into contact with more than a hundred persons and that health officials are studying whether the virus has spread to others.

Bam further informed that the virus detection was confirmed only today. The identities of the flu detected children has not been disclosed as per family request and they are undergoing treatment in a hospital and that family members have been instructed to take all possible precautions to prevent further spread.

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